This Easter Betinia will offer you a race (tournament) with a €4,000 prize pool!
W?th ??r?ng ?lr??d? h?r? ?nd ???t?r ?u?t ?r?und th? ??rn?r, Betinia d???d?d t? m?k? ??m?th?ng ??????l f?r ?ll ?l???r? ?n th??r br?nd? ?nd h?r? ?t ??:
Starting from 25 March up until 5 April, players will be able to take part in a thrilling Easter Race!
?h? R??? ?n th??r MGA-l???n??d br?nd ??n???t? ?f ? €4,000 t?urn?m?nt ?nd ? ??????l r?ffl? f?r th? t?? 100 ?l???r? wh?r? th?? ??n w?n ? r?nd?m ???h ?r?z? fr?m ??t ?n?th?r €4,000 ?r?z? ???l.
?r?m?t??n?l ??rm?
- ?h?? ?? ? l?m?t?d ?r?m?t??n runn?ng ?nl? ?n ??l??t?d ????n?? ?n?lud?ng ??t?n??.
- ?h? ?r?m?t??n w?ll ?t?rt ?n 25.03.2021 00:00:00 ?nd w?ll ?nd ?n 05.04.2021 ?t 23:59:59 U??.
- ?h? qu?l?f??ng g?m?? ?r? ??nu? ?unn???, ?h? W?ld ??tt?r, F?t R?bb?t, ?w??t ??n?nz?.
- F?r ?v?r? ?UR 1 ?r ?urr?n?? ?qu?v?l?nt ?t?k?d, th? ?u?t?m?r w?ll r????v? ?n? ???nt f?r th? t?urn?m?nt l??d?rb??rd.
- ?h? m?n?mum b?t r?qu?r?d t? ??rt?????t? ?n th? ?r?m? ?? 0.3 ?UR.
- ?nl? r??l m?n?? ?t?k?? w?ll ??ntr?but? t? th? t?urn?m?nt.
- ?f ?n? ?r m?r? ?l???r? h?v? th? ??m? numb?r ?f ???nt? ?t th? ?nd ?f th? t?urn?m?nt, th? ?n? wh? h?? r???h?d th?m f?r?t w?ll b? r?nk?d h?gh?r.
- ?ll ?r?z?? w?ll b? ?r?d?t?d t? th? ?u?t?m?r?’ ????unt? w?th?n 72 h?ur? ?f th? ?r?m?t??n ?nd.
- ?h?uld ? ?u?t?m?r ????unt b? ?l???d ?r ??lf-???lud?d b?f?r? th? ?nd ?f th? ?r?m?t??n th?? f?rf??t ?n? ?r?z? fr?m th? l??d?rb??rd.
- G?n?r?l t?rm? ?nd ??nd?t??n? ???l?.